
In today’s world most people are looking for two things on the Internet- Education and Entertainment. In this Blog I will try to deliver those two things to my readers. It is my hope that everyone who comes here will be able to leave with something valuable that they either didn’t know or haven’t heard of before. Content is King. It is the one unifying subject that either makes or breaks a successful website.

Through these series of Blog posts I have chosen to write about the things that i am passionate about, Jewelry and Etsy. Both subjects are vast and nearly limitless so I believe I will be able to provide information and at times Entertainment on a wide variety of these topics. I am also going to use this Blog as a way to further educate myself right along with you. When I go into areas I know matter to the subject, but don’t personally know much about, I will be learning right along side with you. My hope is to grow my business customer base and over all knowledge on these subjects. So if I cover topics that you have knowledge on, and want to add something to it, please feel free to share by leaving me a comment. I am in no way an expert on any subject and there is always room for improvement. Even a wise man knows he doesn’t know everything.

In my experience I have found a successful business needs 3 things: 1. A product or service people need or want to buy. 2. A price point that makes people jump at the idea. 3. Engagement with your customers that is meaningful and adds value to someones life in some way whether it be thru great pictures or descriptions or both that builds trust and shows off the item or services best features and performance. I have found thru my experience that the best way for me to figure out what’s just right is to do testing and experiments. These are a great way to answer lots of questions with real data. I try to go about it with a scientific method, in a way that won’t hurt me or my project. Safety First. For any experiment you want to do it in measurable ways because if you can’t measure it you can’t see it’s progress or failure. Both are very valuable for learning and understanding your subjects. I cannot tell you how many mistakes I’ve made that have lead to a breakthrough.

Don’t be afraid to set up experiments that may fail- just make sure you do it in a safe way and place that if it does go wonky it doesn’t hurt anything you care about. For example SEO. Search Engine Optimization is the back bone of all online businesses and it changes constantly. This makes it hard to always know exactly how to do what works but this is also how the Algorithms keep things exciting and changing for the shopping audience. When you experiment with SEO in your Etsy store its best to make a copy listing and use the copy to perform your tests on. This way you can avoid making critical errors on your money makers, or even worse drop you out of search all together. Too many changes to your website at once will drop your sales and SEO placement which can take months to recover from if even at all. I know this from experience. I changed 11 listings all at the same time and didn’t have any sales for a month. Ouch. So be careful when you do your experiments but don’t be afraid to fail. This is how we learn.

If you enjoyed or learned something new or just want to add something to this subject please let me know in the comments section. Please like and subscribe so you can see the rest of this conversation in the next post where I will be covering more of these interesting topics. All of the information and advice given here inside my blog come from personal experience and are in no way a sure fire path to success. As with life the advice given here is just that- advice. I in no way promise or are responsible for the outcomes of the choices you chose to make. So if it don’t feel right to you, don’t do it. Please stop by and visit my store for more info on me and to see what i make and what others think about my work. Just going into my store and looking around really helps! And I do appreciate the help. You can visit me at:

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